16th December 2008: Tips for water use in the garden

Water is an extremely valuable natural resource and it is important that we conserve supplies. But our gardens don't need to suffer when we are trying to save water. There are plenty of ways to use minimal water but still enjoy a lush green garden.
This article reveals some simple tips on how to save those precious drops.

Aerate your lawn with a garden fork as this draws the water into the root system.

  • Use plenty of mulch in your flower beds and around trees as this prevents over 70% of moisture evaporation.
  • Check your hose system, connectors, nozzles and tubing for leaks or signs of wear.
  • Keep an eye on weather forecasts when planning your weekly water.
  • Don't cut grass too short. Set the blade to at least 80mm as this length will shade grass roots as they grow deeper which will hold soil moisture more efficiently.
  • Do not over-fertilise your garden as these plants will crave more water. Use a non-soluble fertiliser with a slow release.
  • Household grey water can be used to water your garden and/or for toilet fl ushing. Untreated grey water is not suitable for flushing, but using treated greywater for toilet flushing can potentially reduce your domestic water consumption by up to 20 per cent.
  • Water in the cool parts of the day and avoid watering when it is windy.
  • Use a broom or a leave blower to remove leaves from footpaths and driveways, do not use a hose.
  • Keep your swimming pool covered when it is not being used. This keeps the water clean and it also reduces evaporation by up to 90%.

Visit www.ourwater.vic.gov.au for more information.

– Fletchers Property Newsletter October 2008 Edition

Posted on Tuesday, 16 December 2008
in Miscellaneous